Our core technology is the world's only high-temperature superconducting thin film multilayer fabrication technology and its systemization technology based on previous research on superconducting computer circuits using quantum phenomena. High-temperature superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetic sensors have constant ultra-high sensitivity performance in a wide frequency range, and can be easily used by cooling in liquid nitrogen available at low cost anywhere in the world. In addition to its performance, we have achieved high magnetic field tolerance by our original multi-layer technology and sensor configuration, and realized the optimum equipment for outdoor use. The electromagnetic exploration device (SQUITEM No. 3) which was jointly developed with Mitsui Mineral Development Engineering Co., Ltd. in 2013 under the commission of Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), is used for actual exploration of metal resources overseas. In addition, the improved equipment for deep exploration is used for geothermal reservoir exploration in Japan and test survey in overseas oil fields, and its applicability to strata monitoring at a depth of 3000 m has been demonstrated. Inheriting the technologies of its predecessor, International Superconductivity Technology Center (ISTEC) and the Superconducting Sensing Technology Research Association (SUSTERA), we will continue to develop and operate higher-performance electromagnetic exploration equipment. However, we will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized and hydrogen-based society. We will also develop and sell superconducting magnetic sensors and inspection systems that meet the needs of society such as non-destructive inspection, medical care, and biotechnology.
Superconducting Sensor Technology Corporation
Development of high-temperature superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) sensor and system development using it
Location of headquarter
2-11-19 Minowa-cho, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-0051 Japan
Phone: 81-45-560-1350 (Main)
Facsimile: 81-45-560-1351
184.08 million yen
Founder officer
Keiichi Tanabe(Chairman &Co-CEO)
Tsunehiro Hato(President,Co-CEO)
Seiji Adachi(Director)
Kenichi Hotta(Outside Director)
Shusuke Taruta(Auditor)
registration: July 1, 2020
■1998-2006 Research and development of high-temperature superconducting integrated circuit technology at International Superconductivity Technology Center
■ 2007~ Development of thin-film multilayer high-temperature SQUID magnetic sensor
■ 2009~ Development of practical electromagnetic exploration equipment for metal resources commissioned by JOGMEC
■2009 - 2018 JST "Biosensing" Pjt "
Obtained basic patents for high-performance SQUID magnetic sensors(Domestic and foreign 6 patents)
■2012 - 2017 JOGMEC Oil & Gas unit, Geothermal unit Pjt, etc.
■2014 - 2018 JST "Infrastructure Nondestructive Inspection "Pjt
SQUID magnetic sensor mounting technology resistant to environmental noise
ISTEC dissolution Established Technology Research Association (SUSTERA) to foster core technology for corporate development
■2018 - 2020 Ministry of the Environment Pjt “ CCS monitoring basic technology”、 Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency Pjt
■2020 SUSTEC established
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